The Human Body

This site is all about human body. From basics to higher levels. It is equally useful to children as well as professionals.

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a-, an- absent, without (amenorrhea: absence of menstruation)
ab- away from (abduct: move away from the midline)
abdomin/o- abdomen (abdominal aorta: the portion of the aorta in the abdomen)
acou- hearing (acoustic nerve: the cranial nerve for hearing)
ad- toward, near, to (adduct: move toward the midline)
aden/o- gland (adenohypophysis: the glandular part of the pituitary gland)
af- to, toward (afferent: toward a center)
alba- white (albino: an animal lacking coloration)
alg- pain (myalgia: muscle pain)
ana- up, back (anabolism: the constructive phase of metabolism)
angi/o- vessel (angiogram: imaging of blood vessels, as in the heart)
ante- before (antenatal: before birth)
anti- against (antiemetic: an agent that prevents vomiting)
arthr/o- joint (arthritis: inflammation of a joint)
atel- imperfect, incomplete (atelectasis: incomplete expansion of a lung)
auto- self (autoimmune disease: a disease in which immune reactions are directed against part of one’s own body)
bi- two, twice (biconcave: concave on each side, as a red blood cell)
bio- life (biochemistry: the chemistry of living organisms)
blasto- growth, budding (blastocyst: a rapidly growing embryonic stage)
brachi/o- arm (brachial artery: the artery that passes through the upper arm)
brachy- short (brachydactyly: abnormally short fingers or toes)
brady- slow (bradycardia: slow heart rate)
bronch- air passage (bronchioles: small air passages in the lungs)
carcin/o- cancer (carcinogen: cancer-causing substance)
cardi/o- heart (cardiopathy: heart disease)
carp/o- wrist (carpals: bones of the wrist)
cata- down (catabolism: the breaking down phase of metabolism)
caud- tail (cauda equina: the spinal nerves that hang below the end of the spinal cord and resemble a horse’s tail)
celi/o- abdomen (celiac artery: a large artery that supplies abdominal organs)
cephal/o- head (cephaledema: swelling of the head)
cerebr/o- brain (cerebrum: the largest part of the human brain)
cervic- neck (cervical nerves: the spinal nerves from the neck portion of the spinal cord)
chem/o- chemical (chemotherapy: the use of chemicals to treat disease)
chondr/o- cartilage (chondrocyte: cartilage cell)
circum- around (circumoral: around the mouth)
co-, com-, with, together (congenital: born with)
con-, contra- opposite, against (contraception: the prevention of conception)
cost/o- ribs (intercostal muscles: muscles between the ribs)
crani/o- skull, head (cranial nerves: the nerves that arise from the brain)
cut- skin (cutaneous: pertaining to the skin)
cyan/o- blue (cyanosis: bluish discoloration of the skin due to lack of oxygen)
cyst- bladder, sac (cystic duct: duct of the gallbladder)
cyt/o- cell (hepatocyte: cell of the liver)
dactyl/o- digits, fingers or toes (polydactyly: more than five fingers or toes)
de- down, from (dehydration: loss of water)
derm- skin (dermatologist: a specialist in diseases of the skin)
di- two, twice (disaccharide: a sugar made of two monosaccharides)
diplo- double (diplopia: double vision)
dis- apart, away from (dissect: to cut apart)
duct- lead, conduct (ductus arteriosus: a fetal artery)
dys- difficult, diseased (dyspnea: difficult breathing)
ecto- outside (ectoparasite: a parasite that lives on the body surface)
edem- swelling (edematous: affected with swelling)
endo- within (endocardium: the innermost layer of the heart wall)
enter/o- intestine (enterotoxin: a toxin that affects the intestine and causes diarrhea)
epi- on, over, upon (epidermis: the outer layer of the skin)
erythr/o- red (erythrocyte: red blood cell)
eu- normal, good (eupnea: normal breathing)
ex- out of (excise: to cut out or remove surgically)
exo- without, outside of (exophthalmia: protrusion of the eyeballs)
extra- outside of, in addition to, beyond (extraembryonic membranes: the membranes that surround the embryofetus)
fasci- band (fascia: a fibrous connective tissue membrane)
fore- before, in front (forehead: the front of the head)
gastro/o- stomach (gastric juice: the digestive secretions of the stomach lining)
gluco-, glyco- sugar (glycosuria: glucose in the urine)
gyn/o-, gyne/co- woman, female (gynecology: study of the female reproductive organs)
haplo- single, simple (haploid: a single set, as of chromosomes)
hema-, hemato-, hemo- blood (hemoglobin: the protein of red blood cells)
hemi- half (cerebral hemisphere: the right or left half of the cerebrum)
hepat/o- liver (hepatic duct: the duct that takes bile out of the liver)
hetero- different (heterozygous: having two different genes for a trait)
hist/o- tissue (histology: the study of tissues)
homeo- unchanged (homeostasis: the state of body stability)
homo- same (homozygous: having two similar genes for a trait)
hydr/o- water (hydrophobia: fear of water)
hyper- excessive, above (hyperglycemia: high blood glucose level)
hypo- beneath, under, deficient (hypodermic: below the skin)
idio- distinct, peculiar to the individual (idiopathic: of unknown cause, as a disease)
inter- between, among (interventricular septum: the wall between the ventricles of the heart)
intra- within (intracellular: within cells)
is/o- equal, the same (isothermal: having the same temperature)
kinesi/o- movement (kinesthetic sense: muscle sense)
labi- lip (herpes labialis: cold sores of the lips)
lacri- tears (lacrimal glands: tear-producing glands)
lact/o- milk (lactation: milk production)
leuc/o, leuk/o- white (leukocyte: white blood cell)
lip/o- fat (liposuction: removal of fat with a suctioning instrument)
macr/o- large (macromolecule: a large molecule such as a protein)
mal- poor, bad (malnutrition: poor nutrition)
medi- middle (mediastinum: a middle cavity, as in the chest)
mega- large (megacolon: abnormally dilated colon)
meta- next to, beyond (metatarsal: bone of the foot next to the ankle)
micr/o- small (microcephaly: small head)
mon/o- one (monozygotic twins: identical twins, from one egg)
morph/o- shape, form (amorphous: without definite shape)
multi- many (multicellular: made of many cells)
my/o- muscle (myocardium: heart muscle)
narco- sleep (narcotic: a drug that produces sleep)
nat/a- birth (neonate: a newborn infant)
neo- new (neoplasty: surgical restoration of parts)
nephr/o- kidney (nephrectomy: removal of a kidney)
neur/o- nerve (neuron: nerve cell)
non- not (non-communicable: unable to spread)
ocul/o- eye (oculomotor nerve: a cranial nerve for eye movement)
olig/o- few, scanty (oliguria: diminished amount of urine)
oo- egg (oogenesis: production of an egg cell)
ophthalmo- eye (ophthalmoscope: instrument to examine the eye)
orth/o- straight, normal, correct (orthostatic: related to standing upright)
oste/o- bone (osteocyte: bone cell)
ot/o- ear (otitis media: inflammation of the middle ear)
ovi-, ovo- egg (oviduct: duct for passage of an egg cell, fallopian tube)
path/o- disease (pathology: the study of disease)
ped/ia- child (pediatric: concerning the care of children)
per- through (permeate: to pass through)
peri- around (pericardium: membranes that surround the heart)
phag/o- eat (phagocyte: a cell that engulfs pariculate matter)
phleb/o- vein (phlebitis: inflammation of a vein)
pleuro-, pleura- rib (pleurisy: inflammation of the pleural membranes of the chest cavity)
pneumo- lung (pneumonia: lung infection)
pod- foot (pseudopod: false foot, as in ameboid movement)
poly- many (polysaccharide: a carbohydrate made of many monosaccharides)
post- after (postpartum: after delivery of a baby)
pre- before (precancerous: a growth that probably will become malignant)
pro- before, in front of (progeria: premature old age, before its time)
pseudo- false (pseudomembrane: false membrane)
py/o- pus (pyogenic: pus producing)
pyel/o- renal pelvis (pyelogram: an x-ray of the renal pelvis and ureter)
quadr/i- four (quadriceps femoris: a thigh muscle with four parts)
retro- behind, backward (retroperitoneal: located behind the peritoneum)
rhin/o- nose (rhinoviruses that cause the common cold)
salping/o- fallopian tube (salpingitis: inflammation of a fallopian tube)
sarc/o- flesh, muscle (sarcolemma: membrane of a muscle cell)
sclero- hard (sclerosis: deterioration of tissue with loss of function)
semi- half (semilunar valve: a valve shaped like a half-moon)
steno- narrow (aortic stenosis: narrowing of the aorta)
sub- below, beneath (subcutaneous: below the skin)
supra- above (suprarenal gland: gland above the kidney, the adrenal gland)
sym- together (symphysis: a joint where two bones meet)
syn- together (synapse: the space between two nerve cells)
tachy- fast (tachycardia: rapid heart rate)
thorac/o- chest (thoracic cavity: chest cavity)
thromb/o- clot (thrombosis: formation of a blood clot)
tox- poison (toxicology: the study of poisons)
trans- across (transmural: across the wall of an organ)
tri- three (trigone: a three-sided area on the floor of the urinary bladder)
ultra- excessive, extreme (ultrasonic: sound waves beyond the normal hearing range)
un/i- one (unicellular: made of one cell)
uria-, uro- urine (urinary calculi: stones in the urine)
vas/o- vessel (vasodilation: dilation of a blood vessel)
viscera-, viscero- organ (visceral pleura: the pleural membrane that covers the lungs)


-ac pertaining to (cardiac: pertaining to the heart)
-al pertaining to (intestinal: pertaining to the intestine)
-an, -ian characteristic of, pertaining to, belonging to (ovarian cyst: a cyst of the ovary)
-ar relating to (muscular: relating to muscles)
-ary relating to, connected with (salivary: relating to saliva)
-ase enzyme (sucrase: an enzyme that digests sucrose)
-atresia abnormal closure (biliary atresia: closure or absence of bile ducts)
-blast grow, produce (osteoblast: a bone-producing cell)
-cele swelling, tumor (meningocele: a hernia of the meninges)
-centesis puncture of a cavity (thoracocentesis: puncture of the chest cavity to remove fluid)
-cide kill (bactericide: a chemical that kills bacteria)
-clast destroy, break down (osteoclast: a bone-reabsorbing cell)
-desis binding, stabilizing, fusion (arthrodesis: the surgical immobilization of a joint)
-dipsia thirst (polydipsia: excessive thirst)
-dynia pain (gastrodynia: stomach pain)
-ectasia, -ectasis expansion (atelectasis: without expansion)
-ectomy excision, cutting out (thyroidectomy: removal of the thyroid)
-emia pertaining to blood (hypokalemia: low blood potassium level)
-form structure (spongiform: resembling a sponge)
-gen producting (carcinogen: a substance that produces cancer)
-genesis production of, origin of (spermatogenesis: production of sperm)
-globin protein (myoglobin: a muscle protein)
-gram record, writing (electroencephalogram: a record of the electrical activity of the brain)
-graph an instrument for making records (ultrasonography: the use of ultrasound to produce an image)
-ia condition (pneumonia: condition of inflammation of the lungs)
-iasis diseased condition (cholelithiasis: gallstones)
-ic pertaining to (atomic: pertaining to atoms)
-ile having qualities of (febrile: feverish)
-ism condition, process (alcoholism: condition of being dependent on alcohol)
-ist practitioner, specialist (neurologist: a specialist in diseases of the nervous system)
-itis inflammation (hepatitis: inflammation of the liver)
-lepsy seizure (narcolepsy: a sudden onset of sleep)
-lith stone, crystal (otoliths: stones in the inner ear)
-logy study of (virology: the study of viruses)
-lysis break down (hemolysis: rupture of red blood cells)
-megaly enlargement (splenomegaly: enlargement of the spleen)
-meter a measuring instrument (spirometer: an instrument to measure pulmonary volumes)
-ness state of, quality (illness: state of being ill)
-oid the appearance of (ovoid: resembling an oval or egg)
-ole small, little (arteriole: small artery)
-oma tumor (carcinoma: malignant tumor)
-opia eye (hyperopia: farsightedness)
-ory pertaining to (regulatory: pertaining to regulation)
-ose having qualities of (comatose: having qualities of a coma)
-osis state, condition, action, process (keratosis: abnormal growth of the skin)
-ostomy creation of an opening (colostomy: creation of an opening between the intestine and the abdominal wall)
-otomy cut into (tracheotomy: cut into the trachea)
-ous pertaining to (nervous: pertaining to nerves)
-pathy disease (retinopathy: disease of the retina)
-penia lack of, deficiency (leukopenia: lack of white blood cells)
-philia love of, tendency (hemophilia: a clotting disorder; “love of blood”)
-phobia an abnormal fear (acrophobia: fear of heights)
-plasia growth (hyperplasia: excessive growth)
-plasty formation, repair (rhinoplasty: plastic surgery on the nose)
-plegia paralysis (hemiplegia: paralysis of the right or left half of the body)
-poiesis production (erythropoiesis: production of red blood cells)
-ptosis dropping, falling (hysteroptosis: falling of the uterus)
-rrhage burst forth (hemorrhage: loss of blood from blood vessels)
-rrhea discharge, flow (diarrhea: frequent discharge of feces)
-scope instrument to examine (microscope: instrument to examine small objects)
-spasm involuntary contraction (blepharospasm: twitch of the eyelid)
-stasis to be still, control, stop (hemostasis: to stop loss of blood)
-sthenia strength (myasthenia: loss of muscle strength)
-stomy surgical opening (colostomy: a surgical opening in the colon)
-taxia muscle coordination (ataxia: loss of coordination)
-tension pressure (hypertension: high blood pressure)
-tic pertaining to (paralytic: pertaining to paralysis)
-tomy incision, cut into (phlebotomy: incision into a vein)
-tripsy crush (lithotripsy: crushing of stone such as gallstones)
-trophic related to nutrition or growth (autotrophic: capable of making its own food, such as a green plant)
-tropic turning toward (chemotropic: turning toward a chemical)
-ula, -ule small, little (venule: small vein)
-uria urine (hematuria: blood in the urine)
-y condition, process (healthy: condition of health)


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